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Approval of Minutes Dr. Figueroa moved approval of the minutes of January 29, 2008, and Dr. Robertson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Old Business Early Scholars Program. Ms. Mitchell shared Dr. Cales request that the ASA Committee form a subcommittee to review this program. She asked Dr. Wilson to identify two people from Enrollment Management to serve on the subcommittee. She also asked that any faculty member who would like to be a part of the subcommittee contact Dr. Barrett. Campus Security Cameras. Mr. Shields reported that the Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee is chaired this year by Public Safety Director Jim Glasso. Public Safety has hired three new officers and three more will be hired within the month. Foot patrols are increasing with new routes around campus. Public Safety will benchmark its department against those on similar campuses for staffing and resource comparisons. The security cameras that are being researched require monitors and funding/locations are being discussed, as well as other options. New Business None. Announcements Mr. Shields is beginning a program in March called RSVP (Reaching Solutions with the Vice President). Students will be able to discuss issues with him on an informal basis during lunches that will be scheduled throughout each semester. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. ____________________________ Ms. Audrey Mitchell, Past Chair     PAGE  ENPVbwxyz  % 8 P b s  - / 0 = 껰xxmeZhZJ5>*CJaJh gCJaJh gh[CJaJhZJCJaJh  # $  LYdgd*dgd}dgdC,gdC,$a$gdC,= > ? 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